Dog Bite Owner Negligence Law in Arizona

Almost all dog attacks are preventable. They often trace back to some act of negligence on the pet owner’s part. Pet owners have a responsibility to prevent foreseeable dog attacks, such as by properly leashing and controlling dangerous dogs. Breaching this duty could lead to significant personal injuries for dog bite victims.

If you suspect a pet owner of negligence in your dog bite case, please contact Torgenson Law for a free legal evaluation. Our Arizona dog bite injury attorneys may be able to help you negotiate for better compensation from an insurance company due to dog owner negligence. Call (602) 726-0747 today to request a free consultation in Arizona.

Why Choose Us?

  • We have more than 15 years of experience helping Phoenix dog bite victims.
  • We have won millions of dollars for our personal injury clients.
  • We know precisely how to navigate difficult insurance negotiations.
  • We fight for maximum compensation, including punitive damages.
  • We help dog bite injury survivors on a contingency fee basis.

Examples of Dog Owner Negligence

Dog owners can make many mistakes that ultimately lead to dog attacks. Some owners may assume their dogs are harmless when they are dangerous, while others may be aware of a dog’s violence propensities, yet choose not to do anything to prevent attacks. Either way, the owner could be liable for the victim’s damages in Arizona.

  • Breaching Arizona’s dangerous dog confinement requirements
  • Allowing a known dangerous dog off-leash in public areas
  • Breaking state or local leash laws
  • Bringing a dog with vicious propensities to the dog park
  • Allowing a dog to run at large
  • Failing to warn property visitors or neighbors of a dangerous dog
  • Failing to confine a pet in a yard or on a leash

If you notice any signs of dog owner negligence after your attack, such as a hole in a fence or a dog running at large, document the incident. You may need to prove the pet owner’s negligence later for fair compensation. Take photographs, talk to eyewitnesses, contact animal control to request previous bite reports and take down the name of the pet owner. Then, contact a lawyer to learn more about your dog bite claim.

Do You Have to Prove Negligence in Arizona?

No, you do not have to prove an owner’s negligence to receive compensation after a dog bite in the state of Arizona. The state’s dog bite statute (Arizona Revised Statute 11-1025) enforces a strict liability dog owner negligence law, meaning the owner of a dog that bites someone will be liable for damages regardless of the former actions of the dog or the owner’s knowledge of a violent history. The owner of the dog that bit you will owe you for your injuries as long as the attack happened in a public place or while you were lawfully on private property. The only exceptions are if the dog was engaged in military or police work or if you provoked the attack.

If the pet owner was negligent in failing to prevent the attack, however, this could be useful during your claim to seek punitive damages. Punitive damages are something a court in Arizona may award as a way of punishing the defendant for recklessly, intentionally or wantonly causing your damages. Negligent dog ownership or lack of control of a dangerous dog could be enough to make you eligible for punitive damages in Arizona.

Contact an Attorney Today

Having actual knowledge of a dog’s violent tendencies, such as through prior attacks, is enough to give an owner increased responsibilities over the control of the dog. Breaching these duties, leading to an attack, is negligence. Work with our dog bite attorneys in Phoenix to help you prove the defendant’s negligence in the pursuit of punitive damages. Demanding punitive damages could improve your final case outcome – helping you and your family move forward. Contact Torgenson Law today for a free case evaluation.

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