Landlord’s Liability for Tenants Dogs

Most landlords screen pets before allowing tenants to bring them into rented properties. They do this to try to avoid liability for a dog attack at the rented home or apartment. Yet in some circumstances, a landlord could still be financially responsible for a dog attack even after screening for dangerous dogs. If a dog attacked your child or you on a rented property, find out if and when the landlord may be liable for tenant’s dogs. Contact Torgenson Law for a free dog bite injury consultation in Phoenix, Arizona.

Why Clients Choose Us

  • Our only practice area is personal injury law, giving us a vast understanding of related laws, insurance processes and case resolutions.
  • Our dog bite injury lawyers in Phoenix have over 15 years of experience helping injured clients fight for fair compensation.
  • Our law firm helps dog bite survivors on a contingency fee basis, with no upfront fees or any fees at all unless we win.

Most Dog Bites Come Down to Pet Owner Liability

Arizona is a strict liability state when it comes to dog bite cases. Arizona Revised Statute 11-1025 states that pet owners will be strictly liable for injuries their pets cause, even if they were previously unaware of the dog’s vicious propensities. Pet owners, therefore, are the most common defendants in dog bite injury claims in Arizona. It is possible for other parties to also share legal responsibility for an attack, however, in some situations. Other parties could include property owners or landlords.

When a Landlord Might Be Liable for a Dog Attack in Arizona

In most dog bite injury claims, a landlord will not be liable. The tenant will instead be responsible for his or her dog. That being said, if the landlord reasonably should have known about the risk of an attack yet did nothing to prevent it, he or she could absorb liability for damages. A landlord may owe a dog bite victim money in some scenarios.

  • Knowledge of a dangerous dog on the property. If the landlord knew a tenant had a violent, aggressive or dangerous dog on the property, he or she should have taken steps to prevent attacks. Failure to do so could lead to the landlord’s liability for a subsequent attack.
  • Failure to remove the animal from the rented property. Landlords in Arizona have a responsibility to order tenants to remove dogs with known propensities for violence from rentals. If the landlord received a report of the dog biting someone in the apartment complex, for example, he or she should have taken action to remove the pet.
  • Harboring a dangerous dog. If the pet owner trusted the landlord to harbor, or control, the pet, the landlord could be responsible for an attack that happens while the dog is in his or her care. Assuming a caregiver role over the pet could extend liability for dog bites to the landlord.

Find out if you have grounds to file a claim against a landlord after a dog attacked you on rented property with help from an attorney. A claim against the landlord, rather than the pet owner, could result in better compensation since landlords often have higher insurance policy limits. It could also encourage the landlord to prevent such tragedies in the future.

Contact a Dog Bite Lawyer Today

Navigating a dog bite claim involving landlord liability can be difficult. You will need an understanding of the state’s dog bite laws as well as premises liability owner liability statutes. The landlord may have partial or full responsibility for your damages depending on the case. Hiring a dog attack lawyer in Phoenix can take the burden of legal action off your shoulders so you can focus on healing.

An attorney can take care of difficult parts of your case such as bringing your claim and demanding fair compensation on your behalf. A lawyer can also make sure a liable landlord and/or other parties properly pay you for your losses. Please contact Torgenson Law today if you suffered injuries in a Phoenix dog attack. We can walk you through the claims process against a landlord or pet owner. Call (602) 726-0747 today.

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