Glendale Dog Bite Lawyer

Dog jaws are incredibly powerful, and a bite can inflict significant injuries on a victim. Any person injured due to a dog bite in Glendale needs to know how to secure full compensation for their losses. This includes coverage of their medical expenses, lost income, pain and suffering damages, and more. At Torgenson Law, our dedicated team has extensive experience handling complex injury cases, and we are here to help when you need a Glendale dog bite injury lawyer by your side.

Why Trust Glendale Dog Bite Lawyers?

  • At Torgenson Law, our dog bite lawyers in Glendale know what it takes to hold dog owners legally responsible after bite-related incidents.
  • We have a track record of success handling these cases and have secured millions of dollars in compensation on behalf of our past clients.
  • We take Glendale dog bite cases on a contingency fee basis, which means our clients will not pay any legal fees until after we secure the compensation they deserve.

How Common Are Dog Bites in Glendale?

When we analyze studies, we can see that there are approximately 800,000 dog bites that occur each year that require medical attention across the country, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Around 334 thousand of these injuries are so severe that they warrant treatment inside of a hospital. Breaking down these studies further, we can see that there are around 2,400 dog attacks that occur each day in this country. More than 50% of all dog bite victims are children, and children are much more likely to need extensive medical care in these cases.

Arizona Strict Liability Laws

Unlike other states where a person cannot automatically recover compensation after a dog bite occurs, Arizona operates under a strict liability dog bite law. This means that victims who are bitten by a dog can recover compensation even if that dog has never bit anybody before or shown a propensity for aggression. In other words, a dog bite victim does not have to prove dog owner negligence in order to recover compensation. So long as the injury victim was in a public place or lawfully in a private area and was not provoking the dog when the incident occurred, the dog owner will be liable.

What if the dog owner was negligent as well?

If the dog’s owner had reason to believe that their dog had violent tendencies, such as a history of attacking other people or pets, and failed to prevent your injuries, you could be entitled to additional compensation through punitive damages in these cases.

If you or somebody that you know had prior knowledge of the attacking dog’s aggression or history of biting others, this could make a difference in your case. As opposed to recovering compensation through an insurance carrier due to Arizona’s strict liability dog bite rules, you may be able to file a lawsuit against the dog’s owner. Proving that the pet owner knew or reasonably should have known the dog might bite or attack could help increase your total insurance settlement or jury verdict.

Compensation Available

Dog bite victims in Glendale likely have the right to recover various types of compensation for their losses. At Torgenson Law, our attorneys are regularly able to help clients recover the following:

  • Past and future medical bills
  • Payment for scar reduction surgeries or therapies
  • Compensation for permanent scarring and disfigurement
  • Loss of quality of life damages
  • Lost income if a victim cannot work
  • Legal fees

If you need help from a Glendale dog bite injury lawyer, let Torgenson Law get to work today. We are not afraid to stand up to aggressive insurance carriers or at-fault parties to ensure you are properly cared for. You can contact us for a free consultation of your case by clicking here or calling 602-600-0492.


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