Do You Have to Report A Dog Bite in Arizona?

Dog bite victims often sustain severe injuries that require significant medical care and result in scarring and disfigurement. Arizona imposes strict liability on dog owners when bites occur. This means that dog owners are responsible for paying for damages that result from the dog bite, regardless of whether or not the dog has ever bitten anybody before or shown a propensity to be aggressive. Here, we want to discuss whether or not dog bites must be reported after they occur in Arizona.

How to File A Dog Bite Report

State law acquires that anybody with “direct knowledge” of a dog bite immediately reports the incident to county animal control officials. This includes those who witness the incident, the dog owner, and the dog bite victim – all are required to report the dog bite.

In Maricopa County, this report can be made to Animal Care and Control by calling (602) 506-PETS (7387) or by filling out an online report on their website.

How Badly Does the Person Have to be Hurt?

It is important to understand that even a minor dog bite can result in a serious injury, including an infection that can affect a person’s entire body. Dog bite injuries range in severity, and it is not uncommon for a victim in these cases to sustain the following:

  • Puncture wounds
  • Lacerations
  • Severed arteries, veins, muscles, and tendons
  • Broken bones (often the fingers)
  • Significant scarring and disfigurement

When working to determine whether or not you are going to report a dog bite, you need to consider the consequences of not making a report. If you wish to recover compensation for any medical expenses caused by the bite incident, having a report will be very beneficial for your case. Because even a minor dog bite injury can cause significant medical repercussions for the victim, any dog bite that breaks the skin needs to be reported to animal control authorities. Even incidents that do not break the skin, such as aggressive behavior by the dog (charging, cornering, baring teeth), may need to be reported to establish a history of aggression for a particular dog.

Were You Bitten By A Dog in Arizona?

If you or somebody you love has been bitten by a dog in Arizona, you need to speak to an attorney about your case. After the initial medical emergency is over, and you have undergone treatment, an attorney will be able to help you determine the best steps forward for your case. Because Arizona imposes a strict liability law for dog bite cases, you should certainly be able to recover compensation for any damages you incur.

However, these cases are not automatic, and you may need assistance from a Phoenix dog bite lawyer. At Torgenson Law, we are ready to help you handle every aspect of your dog bite injury case. Let us work to secure any compensation you may be entitled to, which can include:

  • Medical bills caused by the bite injury
  • Lost income if you cannot work while you recover
  • Any household out-of-pocket expenses you incur
  • Pain and suffering damages
  • Scarring and disfigurement damages

Do not hesitate to stand up for your rights after sustaining a dog bite injury in Arizona. You can contact us for a free consultation of your case by clicking here or calling (602) 726-0747.

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